.(多國語)疫苗接種非屬強制性 雇主或仲介應尊重移工意願          .第11期BNT疫苗第1劑接種、AZ疫苗第2劑,增加接種對象-多國語          .Q:移工COVID-19相關費用由誰負責 A:分兩個階段 1. 移工入境後14天集中檢疫或居家檢疫費用 =>由雇主支付 2.有疑似症狀之移工就醫後經醫生評估應採檢之檢驗費用或依衛生單位要求隔離治療期間之相關費用 =>由政府支付 資料來源:外籍勞工通訊社          .Q:移工COVID-19相關費用由誰負責 A:分兩個階段          .防疫全方位,各語言版手冊保障外籍人士健保權益          .(衛生福利部)受隔離、檢疫者防疫補償-多國語宣導          .因應疫情,聘僱許可屆滿因故未能如期出國之移工,雇主申請短期聘僱許可相關問答集          .新型冠狀病毒肺炎          .加強移工及雇主防疫宣導圖卡之各國翻譯          .口罩正確戴法-各國翻譯影片          .工作年限9/17將屆滿 雇主可申請延長3個月          
•照顧老人 7種狀況 不可不慎!!:↘中↘英

照顧老人 7種狀況 不可不慎!!














How a care taker to take care an old person

A care taker should be careful in taking care of an old person to give daily life

need to assist and take care his/her movement so that it can lessee employer

burden .

1. nerve genes become in effective can hardly distinguish from hot and cold  

 when taking care should be careful to keep warm and to walk oftenly .

2. can hardly sleep or easily wake up it is better to look for a silent place to sleep

 that make her / him comfortable

3. lack of teeth , saliva be lesser, changes of digestion function that cause food

 hardly to digest or absorb be careful mouth hygiene tooth disease , false teeth

 problem, select foods that can easily be digest and drink more water,.

4. Blood circulation become very slow , slowly changing old person position ,

 to make blood circulation normal.

5. Old person has osteoporosis , additional calcium be careful in every move 

 ment avoid falling down that may caused bones fracture

6. Due to lack of skin fat skin easily dry water temperature should be at suitable

 degree while taking a bath, seldom use soap , to avoid skin itching

7. Old person hearing ability become very poor therefore when talking to an old

 person should talk slowly , if cannot understand dont laugh at them may use

 body language or other way to let them understand..
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